Magnificat Rocky and his journey with cancer

Magnificat Rocky may be one of the world’s most internet famous cats with over 1.4 million followers (see Pets on the Net: The Magnificats) but sadly, fame cannot protect you from the deadly C disease! Here is Rocky’s story…

Rocky, according to his owners, is a tough-guy Turkish Van x British Blue. He was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma; a particularly aggressive form of cancer, 9 weeks ago. He was given 1-4 weeks to live.

Magnificat Rocky and his journey with cancer

The Internet leapt into action, perhaps due to Rocky’s Magnificat siblings fame. The last 9 weeks have been a roller-coaster ride of surgical procedure, of fund-raising, of good will and of prayer.

Rocky has been treated at the world-famous ‘Supervet’ hospital, Fitzpatrick Referrals. Sadly, he has lost much of the left side of his face but pets, fortunately don’t sit still and lament loss of perfect looks or even body parts. They just get on with life!

Rocky still has chemotherapy and radiotherapy to go, but this boy has fought and fought. He’s developed coping mechanisms and has resumed a pretty normal life. Rocky’s not quite out of the woods though, so he needs your thoughts and best wishes.

The upshot is that Rocky has become something of a poster-boy for fighting animal illness against the odds. While many  vets – either through compassion, through ignorance or convenience – advised the euthanasia option, this was not for Rocky’s owners. As they said  “Rocky didn’t accept it”.

Here are some of the wishes for Rocky from cats and people around the world:

Magnificat Rocky and his journey with cancer

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Aside from The Magnificats page, Rocky has his own ‘Prayers for Rocky’ group. He’s inspiring people. One lady in the US said, ‘I wake up every morning and think of my problems. And I think if Rocky can do this, I can do it’. Another cat-owner in the UK whose cat had been diagnosed with the same cancer was inspired by the success of Rocky’s surgery to admit her own cat. He’s doing well!

Magnificat Rocky and his journey with cancer

There are dozens of amazing stories. Only this week, Rocky’s page has spawned The Official Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Support Group’ on Facebook.

Here is Rocky, showing us how pets cope with adversity. In other words, they get on with life…

We wish Magnificat Rocky and his family well in their journey. If you would like to wish Rocky well, leave a message in the comments.

Follow the Magnificats
Talking to Supervet
More pets who help humans

Postscript: 20th Sept 2017
We received the sad news that Rocky has now died. We offer our sympathies for Rocky’s family and, of course, the remaining Magnificats.

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  1. yes all my love to Rocky from my pets Cedric and Bentley and me! xxx

  2. Rocky has set such an example for us all. He has taken his diagnosis and kept a positive attitude with purring and head rubs even on the worst days. He still enjoys life and the people he loves, and enjoys each day to the fullest. He has his priorities straight……..who cares about looks, scars, whatever………it is about life, enjoying it. Prayers for Rocky as he continues his valiant battle…….and to his humans who take such good care of him .

  3. My family and I love hearing how Rocky is coming along. We have a Ragdoll called Beau and would be devastated if he had this life debilitating illness. As were Rocky’s owners, until they found the Referral Centre in Surrey with the amazing work done to turn Rocky’s life around.
    We all love Rocky and his family,trying to give our words of support to this wonderful family and their Cats (including Rocky of course). I thank Rocky’s family for allowing us to be part of their lives, they love all their cats unconditionally, and would do anything (I do mean anything) for them all.
    I wish more people cared about their pets unconditionally as Rocky’s family do, then we wouldn’t have pain and hurt to animals, unloved and unwanted.
    Thank you for telling Rocky’s story to the wider audience.

  4. I adore Rocky and his family, AND his network of friends who give endless support.I’m honored to be a small part of that network. I’m utterly grateful for his humans – who kept the faith, and chose life for Rocky. Keep on keepin’ on, Rocky! Love and prayers to all who are in this same situation – may they be also guided by faith and love.

  5. You are a “ROCK STAR” all the way Rocky! You hang in there. God is with you!

  6. Keep pray ? for Rocky doing so well happy ? beat cancer be happy ?

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