9 Surprising Things You May Learn About Your Pets While in Social Isolation

You are never alone when you have a pet. During this extended period of time at home, as you are in the midst of social isolation, you may find that there are some surprising things you may learn about your pets! Dr Jo Righetti, animal behaviourist, shares some surprising things that pet owners have been finding out, including herself!

Social Isolation 1: Your pet likes to get up early!

You may not have to get up as early as you would normally do but your pet still likes to wake up early. If it’s light, it’s time to get up. Don’t expect to have a lie in with a pet. They are your alarm clock!


Social Isolation 2: Your pet likes to watch you!

Once you are up and out of bed, you will find that your pet likes to watch you. All the time! After all, you might be going to feed them. Or you might leave the room. Or you might be endlessly fascinating as you watch endless reruns of your favourite tv show! Whatever reason, you feel like you are being watched!

Social Isolation 3: Your pet likes to be fed – often!

While you are at work, your pet probably does snooze the day away. When you are at home, it is feeding time. Wen you are home, in social isolation, it is feeding time all day! Cats, in particular, loves to be fed regularly, like every two hours. Here’s more about what cats would like you to know about their eating habits.

Social Isolation 4: Your dog does not like the postman!

When you are busy with life, you often do not realise how many people come to your front door. Your dogs does! The moment they drive up the road, cycle down the street or walk past with a dog, your dog knows. And your dog likes to let them know they know! Dogs bark!

Dogs also like to bark while you have your tele-conference meeting. Social isolation does not always equal quiet! Remember to reward your dog for being quiet.

Surprising Things You May Learn About Your Pets While in Social Isolation
WIldfire likes to sit in unusual places

Social Isolation 5: You find your pet sitting in unusual places!

While you are at home, your pet normally sits close to you. You know where your pet is. During this coronavirus social isolation time, your pet may, on occasion, need to get away from you and find their own spot to sit. This may be at the back of your wardrobe, in your bathroom sink or pretending to be an ornament on your mantlepiece!

Social Isolation 6: Your pet follows you everywhere!

When you go to the bathroom. When you have an afternoon nap. When you check the mail. When you put the kettle on. Everywhere you go, your pet follows. Pets do this for many reasons but perhaps FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is the biggest!

Surprising Things You May Learn About Your Pets While in Social Isolation

Social Isolation 7: Outdoor pets actually like to be inside!

Yes, there are some pets that we usually keep outdoors: My chickens, for example who have a mansion of a chicken coop and free range access to my garden all day. It seems, however, that even these indulged ladies would rather be indoors. and the other surprising thing is that my dog doesn’t even mind.

Social Isolation 8: Your pet would rather you didn’t work at home

OK, a little work on a laptop is fine, as long as their is space to sit on your lap!


Social isolation 9:

Social isolation is not really isolation at all. In your pet’s mind, it is social. They are with you. Be like your pet. Be social with your pet!

What has your pet been doing while you are at home. Let us know your stories in the comments or send your pics to Jo at info@petproblemsolved.com.au and we’ll publish the best.

Also read: Coronavirus Isolation With Pets: 7 Healthy/ Indulgent Activities to Do Together

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