Make walking your dog easier by choosing the right lead for your dog. Kim Taylor helps Pet Problems Solved understand the types of leashes available and which is right for you…


It’s no secret to any dog owner that walking your pooch is extremely important for several reasons. Not only is regular exercise and activity for your dog vital for their overall health, but it’s also a time for bonding and for your dog to get some much-needed fresh air. It’s recommended you use a leash when walking your canine to ensure both the safety of your pet and those around you. But with so many leads available, how do you know which one is the right fit for your pup? Here are some tips to consider when shopping for your next dog leash.

Consider the Style

One of the most important things to consider when purchasing a leash for you dog is the style. There are a few to choose from and your decision should be based on your dog’s size, strength, and activity level. Some leashes are best suited for larger dogs who are easily excited and tug or pull the leash with force. While other, smaller dogs, may not require such a heavy-duty set-up. Here are a few lead styles to consider.


A standard style leash is just as it sounds. One that has a loop that slips over your dog’s head and tightens to fit snugly and securely. Attached to this is a long leash hand for the pet owner. The nice thing about standard leashes is that they’re popular, which means you won’t have any trouble finding them, whether you shop in store or online at this site. The other great thing about a standard leash is that they’re versatile for both large and small dogs and help pet owners keep control during walks and training. Most standard leashes are relatively affordable.


Retractable leashes are perfect for dogs who like to roam, explore, and enjoy their freedom. But keep in mind that while retractable leashes allow your dog to go farther, this also means you have less control over their movements and behavior. If you’re a new dog owner with an energetic pup, you may want to consider keeping your dog close by. If you’ve have had your dog for many years and know and understand their behaviors and reactions to things, than a retractable leash might suit you both. Another benefit is that you can always shorten or lengthen the leash based on your dog’s behavior and the surrounding environment. Some dog owners prefer not to use retractable leashes because it reinforces the belief that all your dog needs to do is pull to get where it wants to go, giving them too much control and undoing training efforts.


Harness Collars

If your dog is already leash trained and requires extra support for their chest and upper body, harness collars with a leash are a great option. But dog owners who use harness leashes should know a few things prior to purchase. If not used properly, harness leashes can cause injury to dogs because the leash pulls from the center. If pulled from the side, it can cause over-extension. Harness collars are recommended for smaller dogs rather than large dogs that pull. Harness collars don’t offer the dog owner much control over the dog’s movements or pulling.

Head Collars

Head collars are perfect for dog owners looking to leash train their dogs. These types of collars help control your dog by the head and neck. Head collars slip over your dog’s nose without disrupting their ability to breathe, eat, or drink. If your still working on leash training your dog, head collars give you control with minimal risk of injury when used correctly. It’s important to use head collars the right way so consult with your veterinarian or the pet store owner prior to use.

Consider the Material

Now that you understand the different styles of leashes available, you can start looking at the different materials most leashes come in. Not all leashes are available in every material, but here’s the lowdown on some of the most popular materials used to make leashes and some pros and cons for each.


This is the most popular and versatile leash material. Nylon leashes come in a variety of colors, lengths, and styles. Nylon leashes are best suited for smaller, low-energy dogs that don’t pull. That’s because if pulled too tightly, nylon can cause injury or rope burn to the dog owner if pulled swiftly or tightly through your hands.


Chain leashes are relatively inexpensive and also a versatile and popular option. Some people simply like the appearance of chain leashes while others rely on its durability. Just be careful not to tangle or knot a chain leash. Untangling one can be extremely difficult and you run the risk of injuring either yourself or your pup.


If you’re not afraid to spend a little extra for comfort and style, try investing in a leather leash. Not only are leather leashes stylish but they’re also comfortable for both pet owners and dogs. If you have a strong dog that pulls, leather will protect your hand while gripping the leash tightly. Leather leashes are soft and don’t tangle, which reduces the risk of injury to both you and your dog. The two most common styles of leather leashes are braided or flat. There are no significant differences between the two other than style preference.


Cotton leashes are relatively uncommon but especially useful if you have a pup that loves to swim or you live near or around water. Cotton leashes dry easily and are secure for walking both large and small dogs. But be careful. Just like nylon leashes, if your dog pulls too much, you may experience a burn or irritation on your hand.

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Ask for Recommendations

The last step in choosing the right leash for your dog is to read reviews and recommendations or ask around. Your veterinarian can recommend the best leash style and material for your particular pup. And remember, you know your dog’s personality best. Consider their energy level, temperament, and where they are in the training process. You can also check out online reviews from fellow dog owners or ask friends and family who have pets. You can also try a few leashes and see what works best. Over time, you may need to switch one leash type for another, depending on how your dog grows and if their energy level increases or decreases.
The most important thing to consider when choosing a leash for your dog is safety, for both you and your pup. You also want to choose a leash that keeps your dog happy so they can get the most out of each and every walk.

About the author:

Kim is a wife, mother, and animal lover. She is the proud mom of 2 beautiful girls and one very fat cat, Boots. Kim enjoys writing, yoga, traveling, and volunteering at her local animal shelter.
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