Pet Product Review: Purifie Smellzoff Odour Absorber
Dr Jo says “for pet owners who’d rather not smell their pets!”
What is Purifie Smellzoff ?
Purifie®SmellzOff™ is a fragrance free, safe and organic odour remover that is specially formulated to be use in the pets environment. While Purifie have products for odour removal within the home and the car, Smellzoff is specifically for use in the cat litter tray. Two orbs, placed 5cm apart within the litter, will absorb floating odour molecules.
How does it work
According to the Purifie people, “Purifie uses its proprietor Purifie Impreg technology that opens up millions of pores that acts just like a sponge. Smell molecule that gets in contact with Purifie’s pore will be absorbed and stay trapped in there.”
More about the Purifie company
It is not just cats who can remain odourless. Your dogs and other pets can too, with the original Purifie odour purifier. You just need to place this around your pet’s areas eg. cage, litter tray and the odours will be removed, with no harm to any pets. You are actually removing foul odours, not just masking them, as many of us do with air freshners.
The pros
Easy to use. Not particularly costly. Does remove smells. Lasts a while (up to 6 months) and when it seems to be no longer working, you just shake it up a little and off it goes again.
The cons
Some cats may want to play with orbs (use the original Purifie in this case). Or dogs may want to play with them or ‘steal’ them from the litter tray! Product not readily available yet but there may be more distributors in time. You can purchase online. This product removes all scents in the air so your perfumes will be absorbed too.
Dr Jo’s thoughts
I tend to keep my litter tray clean and am always checking for pet odours so I couldn’t really see the need for any odour absorbers. I do like the idea of actually removing odours, however, not just covering them up with perfumed air freshners so am happy to use this product. I also look forward to removing the scent of wet dog from my car after Chilli dog has been swimming!
Dr Jo’s pets’ thoughts
Leo: “What is it? Can’t eat it! Can’t smell anything. Doesn’t do anything. Uninterested!”
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My kitten play it until the ball break apart. Is the content harmful to touch or eat by pets?
This should not harm your kitten. However, I would not encourage any animal to eat the contents. supervise their activity with these orbs and, if your kitten still plays, perhaps use the original Purifie to remove odours from the area. Also give your kittten lots of other opportunities to play with you and with other, more apporpriate, toys.
If you have any further concerns I suggest you contact the company.
Enjoy your kitty 🙂