PetSafe is helping us keep our pets hydrated this summer with these 7 tips. And we also have a Drinkwell water fountain to give away…

Could your pet be dehydrated? 7 simple steps on how to keep your pet cool and hydrated this summer


How much water does your pet need? Do you know? And could you tell if your pet is dehydrated? You may be surprised to learn that almost 4 out of 10 pet owners are unaware of what the signs of heat exhaustion or dehydration. And 70% are unclear about how much water to give their pets to drink!

A recent survey conducted by pet product expert, PetSafe® Brand Australia found that Australian pet owners show a surprising lack of awareness when it comes to their pets hydration and are happy to let them drink puddle, river or gutter water or even from the backyard pool.

PetSafe® consulted with Veterinarian Dr. Claire Stevens, who states, ‘Dogs quickly become clinically dehydrated when insufficient water is provided and when this happens they require hospitalization which can be costly to the pet owner and stressful for the animal and everyone involved’.

‘With the succession of heatwaves every summer, Australian dogs face the real possibility of heat stress or heatstroke if they are left outside during hot days without sufficient water sources’, stresses Dr. Stevens, ‘keeping your dogs hydrated is essential in preventing heat stress / hyperthermia’.

Could your pet be dehydrated? 7 simple steps on how to keep your pet cool and hydrated this summer

Signs of dehydration
The PetSafe® Brand Pet Hydration Awareness Summer Campaign to help make more pet owners aware of the risks associated with ignoring or neglecting to adequately supply plenty of water for pets when left alone during the heat of summer.

Perhaps even more concerning was that almost 40% of respondents were unclear on how to tell if their dog was dehydrated. Many believe that panting is the first sign.

While panting may be a sign of thirst, this behaviour is actually a way for dogs to cool themselves down. Cat may lick their coats when feeling hot and the evaporation of saliva on their coat helps keep them cool. Cats too can pant when extremely hot.

True signs of dehydration include sunken eyes, tiredness, skin losing elasticity and a dry mouth.

Recommended water intake
The recommended daily water intake for pets is 70mls of water per kilogram of body weight. Pets need more water than humans do!

Could your pet be dehydrated? 7 simple steps on how to keep your pet cool and hydrated this summer

7 simple steps on how to keep your pet cool and hydrated this summer


Animals need more water than we do, yet over 40% of us only leave one full bowl of water a day for their dog when they are out. Which in most cases is simply not enough. A general rule of thumb is a dog needs 70mls of water per kilogram of body weight, so a 4.5kg dog needs 2 bowls a day, and a 35kg dog needs 10.

Provide clean, fresh water every day. Several bowls are good, in case one gets knocked over.
“Also, don’t forget to wash your pet’s water bowl every day to prevent bacteria from forming” says Dr. Stevens.

The easiest way to encourage your pet to constantly rehydrate is with a pet drinking fountain. These provide fresh, filtered water to your pet and the multiple streams of free falling water entice your pet to drink more.


98% of Australians will leave their dog for a long period of time during the day (from 1-10 hours) with 49% of pet owners leaving their dogs in the backyard.

Providing your pet with adequate alternative shade is important. You can do this by investing in a new shade cloth, outdoor umbrella or canopy, but remember not all dog houses are ‘heat proof’ so make sure you give them an all-day shady option.


Just like you would prepare your home for bush fire season; you need to prepare your pet for summer! The shorter the hair the cooler they will stay so if you have a dog with a long or shaggy coat give it a nice short shave. This will keep them cool.


All pets need some exercise; however if you take them out for walks in the summer time change your routine to dawn or dusk walks.

This makes it cooler for you and your pet and is also less harsh on their paws. They can feel the heat of the sand or bitumen just like you!

Could your pet be dehydrated? 7 simple steps on how to keep your pet cool and hydrated this summer


Believe it or not dogs don’t just dig from boredom. It can be to hide food, toys and to keep cool! Just remember a little bit of digging wont hurt.


Dogs love a frozen treat in the summer and it cools them down. Pet icy poles are easy to make and can keep them busy. Just add their favorite treats to water and freeze! Easy!


Shallow pools are a great way for your pet to cool down! Buy a child’s sand pit and fill it with shallow water and watch them splash!

Could your pet be dehydrated? 7 simple steps on how to keep your pet cool and hydrated this summer

About PetSafe® Brand
PetSafe® Brand is a global pet product expert with its headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee. Wide-ranging innovative products are available across the PetSafe® Brand product portfolio including training, containment, and lifestyle and wellbeing product solutions. Visit for further details or connect on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

About Dr. Claire Stevens
Dr. Claire Stevens BVSc. (Hons) Cert. VPH is a Veterinarian, Business Mentor & Communications Skills Trainer based in NSW. Dr. Stevens endeavours to shares her knowledge with both Pet Owners and Veterinarians. With a particular interest in people skills, Claire has developed a formula on the importance of identifying communication skills as a pillar in the success of any practice and has since developed an online course for Veterinarians, this course is recommended and endorsed by the Australian Veterinary Association

Giveaway: Keep Your Pet Hydrated with Drinkwell

Could your pet be dehydrated? 7 simple steps on how to keep your pet cool and hydrated this summer

Pet Problms Solved is giving away one Drinkwell® 360 Stainless Steel Pet Fountain (RRP$134.99)

Just let us know in the comment below how your pet likes to drink their water or how you manage to keep your pet hydrated in hot weather. 

Best answer or pet/owner most in need of a drinking fountain will win at 5pm on 4th Jan (AEST). Good luck

This competition is open to Australian pet owners only.

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  1. We have 2 small dogs and our shihtzu suffers the most in the heat. We have had both of our dogs to the groomer for their summer cuts. We bought an extra shade sail for them this year and we have have added 4 extra water bowls outside incase the knock one over. We also freeze ice bricks to add to their water bowls each day. They just got a doggy swimming pool for christmas and are looking forward to splashing around in it.
    They do have to stay outside just when we are at work and we certainly try to prepare them the best we can for this horrible heat. To win a water fountain would fantastic for them both.

  2. I have two cats, and they are fussy. Their favorite is the fish tank which always worries me (i don’t use chemicals and have to change and top up every second day), even if it has a lid they will work out how to remove it, they have never touched the fish, just love to watch and steal their water. My Asia boy also loves to paw dip, so an easy way to get him to drink is to make him think its mine. When it get really hot here in the tropics i freeze treats in ice or put their food in the fridge for a bit before they are fed so its nice cool.

  3. I just set up a Pet Safe Water Fountain that I bought my cats for Christmas.

    My cats love to drink from flowing water. My big Puss lapped at the water trickle & reservoir for a solid minute or more as soon as I turned it on.

    The product quality is excellent and it will be easy to clean and maintain. I’m very happy I bought this product for my Pusses.

  4. I run a rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming charity for cats. We currently have over 25 cats/kittens in care. On hot days we freeze diluted beef/chicken stock (no added salt) and give them ice cubes to lick. We also boil fish bits and once cooled we add the tasty water to their food for extra flavour and water intake. I also place the cat nip plant in the sink and let the tap drip on it- that way the plant gets watered and cats can drink from the tap if they want to

  5. Betsy loves to drink out of her portable water bowl that I keep in our lounge cup holder! She will step over me to sip from it and of course she has scattered bowls all over the house to choose from but loves that she has her own cup holder!

  6. Years ago I bought and still use another plastic brand and my cat loves it but I’m pleased to have read your feedback on this brand as I’m a bit keen to switch to your one mainly because I like the stainless steel and just because it probably has a better filter system being a new modern design

  7. Hi Gina
    I bought the ceramic version and my cats love it. Very easy to assemble and the ceramic material will be easy to clean.
    Here’s video of my Oliver the first time I turned it on.

  8. I put ice cubes into the cats bowl of water to make it nice an cool for my cats to enjoy

  9. I just set up a Pet Safe Water Fountain that I bought my cats for Christmas.

    My cats love to drink from flowing water. My big Puss lapped at the water trickle & reservoir for a solid minute or more as soon as I turned it on.

    The product quality is excellent and it will be easy to clean and maintain. I’m very happy I bought this product for my Pusses.

  10. We leave in quite a hot climate at Heathcote in Victoria and have 2 five month old puppies. They love swimming in our dam, when supervised, to keep cool and get very excited when I water the veggie patch as they love catching the water out of the hose. They have a sheltered area near the house they can keep out of direct sun and have started digging a hole under the house which I imagine will be a cool spot once they finish their work! It is pretty big for 2 puppies so can’t imagine the size of it once they finish. A fountain would be great for them.

  11. Thank you everyone for entering the drinking fountain competition. Sorry that there could only be one winner. They have now been notified. Sign up for more competitions in the future.
    Take care of your pets, Jo

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