Moving home can be stressful for your pets! So, to make the transition as calm as possible I’ve asked Olivia Parker from Atlanta Peach Mover to give us their tips on moving home with your dog…



Moving Your Home with Your Dog: How to Settle Them into Their New Home
Moving your home with your furry best friend can either go well or be a nightmare. One of the common problems when moving with a pet dog is getting them settled into their new home, especially if they are used to more space or having the whole run of the house. If you’re planning to move your home soon, then here is a guide for pet owners to help you transition your pet better when the move is complete.

Ways You Can Help Settle Your Dog Faster in Your New Home…

Make Them Familiar with the Area
If you’re only moving to another part of the town, then a great way to help your pet transition is by taking them for a walk around the area where your new home exists. In doing this, it will help them to familiarize with their new surroundings before the move commences. Once the move is complete, their anxiety may be lessened because they are familiar with the area.

Keep Their Items During the Move
Some people when moving home tend to throw away their pet’s bed and toys to replace them with new ones after the move is complete. Unless you really have to, try to avoid this temptation. The more familiar objects and smells your pet has with their new home, the less stress they will encounter. Your dog should have something familiar to sleep with or play with in their new home.

Stay Home for the First Week
If possible, try to stay home for the first week to help your pet adjust to their new home. They’ll be more likely to settle if they know you’re home with them during this transition phase. If you go straight back to work the next day, your dog may think you’ve left them behind, and you won’t be coming back for them. This will cause their anxiety to rise, which can cause destructive behavior.

dog doorway beagle

Don’t Sound Panicked Before the Move
Dogs have an uncanny way of picking up their owner’s emotions. If you’re stressed or angry, they will feel more on edge. It’s important before the move that you stay calm throughout the process. If you stay calm, your pet will remain calm and won’t anticipate anything is wrong when the time comes to move. You can also try talking to your pet about the move in a positive way; although they may not understand you, you may be surprised at how much they pick up from your mood.

Give Them Time to Adjust
When it comes to living in your new home, don’t forget to give your pet time to adjust. When taking them for a walk outside, keep them on a leash. When you feed them, set up a new area where they’ll be fed. All these simple things will help them to adjust in their own time without the major impact and stress they may be feeling.

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Make Sure the Home Is Safe for Them
Before moving your pet into your new home, you will need to make sure it’s safe for them. You can do this by simply:

  • Checking for poisons that may have been left by the previous tenants or owners. These can be found under the house, in long grass, or in the garden or the shed. Rat or slug poisons are the common culprits, so keep a watchful eye out for these before letting your pet have free range outside.
  • Checking the boundary fence to make sure everything is secure, safe, and high enough so they can’t get out. The fence should also be low to the ground to reduce the risk of your dog from sliding under into the next door neighbor’s yard or out onto the road.
  • Removing any chewable items from the yard. Some items such as old wood or bones aren’t good for your dog’s digestive system and should be removed from the yard.
  • Making sure your pet has proper identification on its collar. You should also have your pet microchipped so they’re found easily if they go missing during or after the move.

dogs car boot

How to Move Your Pet Safely
When moving your pet, you should consider the following:

  • Place smaller dogs in a carrier cage to help confine them to one area.
  • Take large dogs with you in the car.
  • If there’s a long trip in between homes, make sure you stop for a break so your pet can have a stretch and go to the toilet.
  • Avoid feeding them throughout the travel as some pets may become car sick.

Behaviors that Indicate Your Dog May Be Stressed from the Move
After you’ve moved, if your pet is stressed they may start to exhibit some signs. These include:

  • Barking, especially when you’re not there. (A recorder or security camera can be set up to capture this.)
  • Digging more often or starting to dig when they never originally did.
  • Causing destruction to your furniture, lounge, or pillows when they never touched them before.
  • Going to the toilet more frequently on the floor if they’re toilet trained.

Any of these new behavior changes are signs your pet may be stressed or even bored after the move. If this is the case, you may need to work on finding new ways to keep your pet entertained or calm. Generally, your pet will feel most stressed when you go to work leaving them alone in the new home.

dog house window

When it comes to moving your home with your dog, it’s important to take everything into consideration. By being properly prepared before the move, you have a better chance of settling your pet dog easier in their new home.

Don’t forget during the move to feed your pet and give them water, as this will help to ease their stress. Also, continue to talk to them as well. The more they hear your reassuring voice, the easier it will be for them during the move.

So are you about to move with your pet soon?

About the author
Olivia is the content manager for Atlanta Peach Movers. When she’s not writing, you can find her running through Buckhead with her rescue pup, Bo.

More moving tips
10 Tips on moving with pets
Moving home with your cat

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