10 Tips to Improve the Human-Animal Bond

While we may do many things for and with our pets, not all of these benefit our pets. Here are 10 tips to improve the human-animal bond between you and your pet…

1. Choose your animal companion carefully.

Select the species, breed, sex, age and individual temperament carefully to match your own personality, energy levels and lifestyle.

We have lots of articles about choosing your pet, so read these carefully, if you are unsure about the pet that’s best for you.

Best to be honest with yourself. If you are a couch potato, don’t choose a pet that has lots of energy!

When you choose the pet that’s right for your lifestyle, it gives you a headstart on a great relationship. If you have chosen the wrong one, it is not impossible but makes life more difficult. If you choose a dog because your children wanted one, for instance, but you don’t have enough time to walk it, you may find your dog ends up with behaviour problems.

10 tips to improve improve the human-animal bond
A fish may suit some people more than a cat or dog

2. Spend time with your pet

Spend time feeding and carrying out normal maintenance routines but also spend quality time playing and nurturing your pet. Playing with pets is great for our mental health but also our pets.

Some pets end up with problem behaviours because their needs are not satisfied. We must learn what our individual pet needs and ensure these are met.

10 tips to improve improve the human-animal bond
Children may have special relationship with their pets but they should always be supervised

3. Encourage your animal companion to spend time with you.

Generally, the more time you spend together, the greater the strength of the human-animal bond. You can encourage your dog to spend time with you by working out what motivates them. It may be toys, food or simply being near you.

Cats are not as aloof as we sometimes think. We just have to learn to read their body language and know what pleases them. Hugs, for instance, may not be the best for some cats while others may enjoy close contact.

Why does my cat ignore me?

More pet problems answered on Dr Jo’s YouTube channel: Pet Problems Solved

4. Learn about your pet

Learn all you can about your chosen pet, its origins, its health and its behaviour. Articles on this site will help, as will asking your vet or other owners of these pets.

Before you buy your pet, speak to the breeders or rescue shelter about your pet. You can always go back to these people after you get your pet home for more information.

5. Consider your responsibilities towards the community

Fulfill your responsibilities towards the community. Then your friends and neighbours will also appreciate, and even enjoy, your pet, making life easier for you.

If your dog starts to escape, for instance, work out why they might be motivated to do this, If your cat is hunting, try to keep them at home. Happy at home!

6. Accept that there are disadvantages

Accept that there are disadvantages to living with an animal companion but the positives should outweigh the negatives. When problems arise, seek help.

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7. Deal with problems 

Deal with any pet problems as they arise and seek help for the more difficult ones. If your dog becomes aggressive, for instance, you may be in danger. Rather than putting yourself or anyone else in danger, it may be best to seek professional help. Ask your vet or consult an animal behaviourist or an experienced dog trainer.

Speaking with people around you or those involved with your pet can help too. Your neighbours may be annoyed if your cat is fighting or your dog peeing on their lawn. Try to keep those relationships positive too! We not only want to improve the human-animal bond but also the human-human one!

10 tips to improve improve the human-animal bond
Cat aggression may cause stress to you and your cat!

8. Spend time with animals less fortunate than your own.

Learn about animals in pounds and shelters and your heart will be touched.  Or foster some animals in your own home, if you have space and time. Even better if you can’t have your own pets right now.

9. Provide a little something extra for your pet

This could be a training session (not just dogs!), an extra play time or a special treat. Watching your pet enjoy this surprise makes it worthwhile.

10. Realise that there is no perfect pet just as there is no perfect person!

Trying as many of these tips as you can and you will be sure to improve the human-animal bond. between you and your pet Enjoy your pets!

About the author
Dr Jo Righetti is an animal behaviour consultant, helping people understand pets. Jo lives with many pets and definitely appreciates the human-animal bond. More about Jo and Pet Problems Solved.

More reading on the human animal relationship

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