My Pet: How Pets have Helped People Deal with Life
Life throws lots of unexpected events at us and often our pets help us deal with these. Pets can be our helpers. More than helpers… they may even save our lives. In this collection of stories, pet owners tell us how their pet has helped them. Get your tissues but you’ll probably smile as you read their stories on how pets have helped people deal with life.
Pete says…
My life was TRANSFORMED because of my dogs – Enzo, Truffle and Lulu – all Lagottos.
I’m 38 and until early last year I had spent 12 years in Sydney, where life became one of extremes – high profile job, intense partying on weekends… and ultimately saw me take up a very unhealthy dependency on ICE (crystal meth) and, in time, led me to be made involuntary in a psychiatric ward after attempting self harm.
My dogs have always been an incredible mirror to where I am in life, and so driven by the desire to give them a backyard and normality, I made the move from the apartment in Kings Cross, to my new home in the ‘burbs of Melbourne.
Late last year, Lulu, joined the pack.
The behaviours that the dogs hold me accountable to – like routine, and getting out of bed and out of the house, and planning food, and social interactions.
Enz, Truff and Lu have given me a love of life I’ve never tasted before.
Thanks for being open to hearing our story. Pete
Have your pets helps you enjoy life more? Let us know
Our pets help us in many ways, not least of these is emotional support. They give us a reason to go on; a reason to find happiness again. This is Pam’s story…
My husband left me after 26 years of marriage.
I had 2 dogs and 2 cats at the time, they helped me so much because I became very depressed & confused.
We eventually divorced and I was prompted by my Mother to meet other men. I went out for dinner with 2 different men. I was so….bored.
I drove myself home opened the front door & my 2 magnificent little dogs welcomed me home as if they hadn’t seen me for years!

I then realised I didn’t need a man in my life any more. My family animal friends were all I needed to make me happy. My animals have been with me through divorce & the death of friends & relatives. I tell people that dogs and cats give me more happiness than any human can.
I have shared my home with the 4 dogs and cats for nearly 17 years. When old age arrived they were under the care of Sydney University Vet Clinic & the local Vet. Euthanasia is the only way when they started to suffer.
I now have another dog. I waited nearly 5 years till I had grieved & knew it was time to share my life with another dog. He was 5 years when I adopted my latest dog. Zac is a perfect companion, so affectionate, gentle & very intelligent. He loves going out in the car & sits with me watching TV then off to bed together.
When I Adopted Zac I had 2 Cats – Shelley was 7yrs old & Brandy was 15yrs old. Shelley is a Tortie Persian.
I know other people share the same feelings about animals it is something so special. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have this spiritual bond with animals.
Has a pet helped you through a major life event? Let us know your story.
Helping pets come in all shapes, sizes and behaviours! Maddigan helped his owner, Deborah, survive hard times but was also a survivor himself. Here is Deborah and Maddigan’s story..
I had a beautiful Jack Russell, Maddigan, who was brought for me when my ex partner went on deployment to Middle East. Maddigan was not just my dog but my furchild. He was there for me through the tears and brought me much laughter.

After my relationship ended, he travelled home to Qld with me and when my current partner met me, it was a rule that if Maddigan didn’t accept him he was out. So my partner came and met him and he was not a dog person, but Maddigan not only accepted him but he also turned him into a Jack Russell lover.
.Maddigan was a tough boy, he survived a tiger snake bite, a dog attack and then he got cancer and survived that! Sadly, he got cancer again and when I took him to the vet they said it was time to let him go. I was hysterical. My partner brought our other Jack Russell down to the vet and we all sat with Maddigan till he passed peacefully.

I cried for days and I miss him so much. He was 10 years old and everyone who came across his path fell in love with him. He was a gentle loving dog and brought happiness in my life.
We now have a new Jack Russell as Maddigan’s brother was pining for him. Now our home is complete again and Maddigan now sits on our bedside table where he will remain as part of our family always.

The other dog in the picture is Jackson and he pined badly for Maddigan but I’ll add a photo of Colt as he is now part of our family and has just turned 2 yrs old and very naughty but lovable, whilst he will never replace Maddigan he helped with the healing process. A lot of people who lose a pet struggle with how soon is too soon to get another dog or feel guilt when they do. I went through these issues myself. I also found it hard dealing with others who could not understand why I was grieving so badly over a pet.

Has your pet helped you cope with life? Let us know your story.
How pets help people deal with life
Have you ever felt that your pet was your soulmate? ” MY PET: MY SOULMATE” is exactly how CJ Scarlet felt from the moment she met her dog to the very end and Zack, the cocker helped her through many traumatic life events. This is their story…
‘When my husband and I bought Zack, a cocker spaniel pup, for our daughter in 1999, I knew by the time we got him home that he was my “soul puppy.” ‘
I tucked the trembling ball of fur inside my flannel shirt and held him close to my heartbeat to calm him down. My husband Wes and I had just purchased Zack, an 8-week-old cocker spaniel pup, as a Christmas gift for our daughter in 1999. As I stared into the puppy’s ancient liquid brown eyes, I was surprised by how steadily he met my gaze, even as his body shivered with fear.
Like me, he was a curious creature and I felt my heart melt as our bond developed. I had always been a cat person, but I felt a warmth and connection to this precious puppy that I’d never known before with a “pet.” I knew by the time we got him home that Zack was my “soul puppy.”
And the feeling was mutual, so much so that our daughter conceded that Zack was really meant to be mine. For the first eight years after Zack joined our home, I was debilitated by an autoimmune condition that that sometimes left me unable to get out of bed or navigate the stairs. Zack was always at my side, but on the days when I felt the worst, he curled up near my neck and watched over me. When I cried out in pain, he would gently lick my face to comfort me. I cannot overstate the importance of his loving attention on my eventual recovery.
In 2013, with my condition in remission, I left home to attend a summer graduate program in California. Two days after I left, I couldn’t reach Wes and he didn’t return my calls. I had a bad feeling that only grew stronger as the hours passed. Tragically, my intuition was validated when they found that my husband had died in our home of a massive heart attack at the age of 51. I immediately flew home and was greeted by a traumatized Zack, who had been alone with Wes for the two days before his body was found.
My grief was compounded when, a week after my husband passed, Zack was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, a terminal type of cancer that offered him only a few months to live. Although surgery would give him only 8 to 10 more months of life, I opted to spend the $5000 because I couldn’t bear to lose both of my best friends at the same time. My family and friends thought I was crazy to spend that much money on a dog, but it was worth every penny to me.
Eight months later, tears ran down my cheeks as I held Zack in my arms while the veterinarian gave him the shot that would end his pain. “I love you, my precious friend,” I whispered in his ear as his eyes slowly closed. “I promise we’ll find each other again.” And then he was gone.
Although my heart ached terribly after I lost Zack, I couldn’t complain, for I had been blessed with 14 years of companionship and love from him that many others long to experience. A year later I decided it was time for another puppy. Although I searched for another dog who could meet my gaze with ancient, curious eyes, I finally had to accept that no one would ever capture my heart the way Zack had. I eventually found a yorkiepoo who is very dear to me, but I still miss Zack. I still miss my soulmate, my soul puppy.
CJ Scarle
Clayton, NC
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Read more accounts of how pets have helped people deal with life
Pets can help us survive major life events. Here Nicola Judkins tells us her story and how her dogs helped – The Gift My Dogs Gave Me…
Six years ago my life came crashing down around me. Within 18 months I had lost a marriage, a house in the Christchurch earthquakes and a business. Everything I thought defined me was lying in a pile of rubble. And I had no idea how to begin rebuilding.
I can’t remember how I came across the book ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne, but one Sunday afternoon I sat down to read it. The chapter that resonated with me the most was that of gratitude.
I closed the book and looked down. My two dogs were beside me on the couch, their heads in my lap.
At that moment I felt grateful for the first time in what felt like forever. I was grateful to have two gorgeous dogs that, no matter what was happening in my life, were happy to be a part of it with me.
As the days passed I continued to be grateful for their companionship. And I began to notice just how intuitive they both were. When I was feeling lonely they would come and give me a cuddle. When I felt sad they would do something to make me laugh.
I began spending even more time with them. We would go on long walks each day, because
dogs + nature = therapy.
Within time I began to feel better. And good things started to happen again.
When I met my now fiancé he was living in Australia, while I was still in New Zealand. It became clear one of us was going to have to move. And since I didn’t have a house, and he did, the decision was easy. But my dogs were a non-negotiable part of the deal. When I boarded the plane they were right there beside me. Ready to begin a new life on 14 acres in the middle of a rain forest. I loved seeing them roam about the property and swim in the dam. It was my way of saying ‘thank you’.
Toddy is no longer with us. He passed away suddenly in 2013 at the age of 11. I remember watching him rolling around in the grass, enjoying the sun, the day before he died. I kept thinking, ‘I’m so glad you got to spend your retirement years enjoying life and being a dog’.
Meg has recently turned 11 and is beginning to slow down. It makes me sad to think that she may no longer be around one day. We now have three other dogs as part of our pack, all with unique personalities of their own. But the bond I share with Meg is different and very special.
Even now I thank Meg and Toddy on a daily basis for the wonderful gift they gave me. And for being there when I needed them the most.
About the author
Do you have a story about your pet and how they have helped you? Please share it with us.
Pets help us cope with many of life’s major events. Like little Oreo, who helped her owner Liz cope with separation and all the divorce tears! Not only that, but Liz’s cats have helped her set up a business or two! Her’e Liz’s story about Oreo and her other cats and I asked her to take us through her journey…
My name is Liz and I’m 30 years old. Last year in April I separated from my husband. I spent 1 month living with my sister and the first day I was going to live on my own, I went to the RSPCA and adopted a kitten.
My little Oreo soaked up months and months of divorce tears and gave me a reason to get up every day. I wouldn’t have made it through without him. A few months later I adopted a second cat, Apricot. Both have been by my side while I built up two businesses. I’ve just adopted a third cat, Heidi. Life wouldn’t be worth living without them <3
How did you feel at the time of the separation?
I felt devastated, sad and so disappointed that I couldn’t do ‘for better or worse’. I was mourning the loss of my marriage, the life we shared and then my life totally lost all meaning.
What made you think about getting a kitten? Had you owned cats before?
I had 4 cats growing up, as well as 2 dogs. I’ve loved cats as far back as I can remember and always want to adopt my own as an adult but my husband wouldn’t agree because we lived in a unit.
How did your cat help? Company? Empathy? Warmth?
Yes to company, empathy and warmth, something to come home to, something to make me smile, bring entertainment, comfort, a connection with a living create. Suddenly living alone was much easier with Oreo, I rarely felt alone.
Did you expect other cats to enhance your life more?
Being on my own meant having to work extra-long hours to make ends meet (it’s so expensive being single!!). I could tell Oreo was lonely during the day when I was away so I wanted him to have a friend. Heidi was a special rescue, I knew the lady that was fostering her before she could be put up for adoption and I just had to have her. All 3 have definitely enhanced my life – a constant stream of affection and entertainment. They are hilarious when they play together.
How many more cats do you plan to have?
3 is my limit (although I’d actually love to have more!) They only want to eat premium kitty food, so I have to stop to keep the grocery budget under control.
At what stage did you decide to set up a pet business?
Vivid Marketing began in May 2016, which was the month straight after the separation. It was a way to make extra money on top of my full-time job and it ended up being the perfect distraction and even became my full-time job in September 2016.
The idea for Cat Lovers (cat-themed mugs) came about just before Christmas while I was working at home and drinking coffee. I knew I wanted to create a business around cats because I love them so much. I designed 8 cat-themed mugs and found a supplier to create them. I’d love to expand the online store to include other cat-themed products/gifts and even cat products. All in good time.
More pet businesses:
Pet business: Pet PR
Pet business; Travelling house sitters
Pet business: Mobile dog grooming
Pets help us in so many ways. Here is Shelagh Brennand’s story about her Maltese dog Lilly who has helped her owner not only go through a major life experience but also become a writer…
Our Lilly
I have a classic story about our beautiful Maltese dog Lilly. We adopted our beautiful Lilly from Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge (SCARS) in 2 March 2013. On 15 April that year, at the age of 49 years, I suffered a stroke. Lilly was my lifeline. I became severely depressed but Lilly really did give me a reason to keep going. She took to my side and went absolutely everywhere I went. She knew. She knew I was ill. She knew I needed her. She would sleep on my bed and comfort me with her company, her soulful eyes and her silly nature.
Strangely, Lilly suffered her own stroke two years ago and we nearly lost her. She has a wonderful character…a bit crazy now and she still suffers from sporadic seizures but we will love her always.
I write poetry through my stroke and wrote a poem about Lilly..

Truly a stroke of poetry dog!
More Stories on How Pets Have Helped People Deal with Life
Some dogs are born to be therapists, it seems! Bix is one such dog. Mascot of a hair salon, I am sure Bix hears things that should never be repeated! And he doesn’t seem to mind getting covered in hair! Every hair salon needs a Bix. Here is Bix and his owners Susana & Sal’s story…

A Dog With A Job – La Unica Salon
“A true lap dog, Bix is often found on our guests laps during their stay in the salon”
Bix is truly a dog with a job, a Maltese-Shitzu that is La Unica Salon’s environmental ambassador, salon mascot and most prominently a fur child to Susana Montero, Managing Director of La Unica Salon, where we welcome other dog owners to bring their small pooch’s in with them on their salon visit.
Bix, a tiny name for a petite dog, was the runt of his litter and his enduring love is even more infectious as our salon mascot. Bix is well known by our usual clientele and is at times at the front door to give you a friendly greeting. However he will bark, well more of a chook sound, at our postman every time without fail, we joke that he doesn’t like the bills that come in the mail.
In fact, for our dog lovers in the salon, he has a natural attraction to you where he will ask politely to be picked up, by hovering around the footrest and gently brushing you by. Typically a true lap dog he is often found on our guests’ laps during their stay in the salon, under the latest gossip or fashion magazines, cutting capes, or next to a tablet device. A quick doggie triple shake eliminates any customer hair that may have fallen on his white lush coat and gives him the perfect look every time.
Bix brings to the salon a beautiful unique calming experience to our salon guests. His favourite place is on a lap where he will comfortable rest and share his unconditional love and affection with you. He has attributed to breaking down the fear of dogs in younger children that visit with their parents. With our salon guests often asking “Where is Bix today..?”
But not every dog is equal. Our Bix is an ‘old soul’ trapped in a puppy, his looks alone stop traffic and he is guaranteed to spark a conversation or at the very least bring a smile to a stranger as his walks on by.
Be sure to look out for Bix when you visit La Unica Salon. He’ll be on another friendly lap relaxing and enjoying the company!
About La Unica Salon
La Unica Salon is a multi award winning hair and makeup salon, located at 208 Lyons Rd Drummoyne NSW 2047, Australia. Book your next appointment at La Unica Salon, accredited by the Australian Hairdressing Council and see why we’re, ‘La Unica’ Spanish for unique. , | 02 9713 9010 and social media handle @LaUnicaSalon.
La Unica Salon attributes our sustainability to our ambassador Bix, our ethos of Art, Science and Nature ensures that we are committed to providing the highest quality when it comes to our hair care products and professional salon environment. Our salon products are organic, plant based and not tested on animals. We know that our products make the difference and we have 100% guarantee on all our products and services.
Pets, especially dogs are great social catalysts. They bring people together and can even help you meet a new partner, one who may become the love of your life (well apart from your pet, of course!). Gary is one such pet who brought his owner Gary together with his future wife Karen. This is Greg and Gary’s story…

In 2010, I was working as a translator in Frankfurt, Germany. I had moved there from Paris with my English Bulldog, Gary, and life was good for the two of us. I had made lots of friends and Gary had made lots of doggy buddies. I had even started to learn German, something that Gary never managed to do!
One day, we decided to have a walk along the Main River. It was a beautiful day, and there were lots of people soaking up the sun along the bank. With its very tall skyscrapers, the city looked like a small Manhattan. We were happy, but something was missing for Gary and I.
Suddenly, Gary got very agitated. He started wagging his mini Bulldog tail and drooling, something he never does in general. Then, he ran in front of me so fast that I actually dropped his leash. I yelled at him to stop but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, he ran towards a young woman and jumped on her. She fell. As I ran to help her, Gary started to lick her face. I held him by the collar to make him stop, and then I looked at the young woman’s face for the first time. She had the most beautiful blue eyes, and she looked like Snow White.
What a gorgeous girl! I thought.
Actually, I hadn’t realised that I had said these words aloud instead of only thinking them!
She frowned and started to wipe the drool away from her face while I helped her get up. I apologised profusely. I didn’t know if I was sorry because of what Gary had done, or because of what I had said, or both.
It took me two minutes to calm Gary down. He really had a crush on her, and I did too! My heart was beating fast and I was lost for words.
-Your dog is really crazy, she said. You should be careful; he could hurt someone.
-You’re right, I said.
I just couldn’t take my eyes off of her!
We started to walk together along the Main River, and slowly but surely, I managed to break the ice. She told me her name was Karen. She explained that she was working in tourism, and that one day, she would be moving to Australia because it was her dream country.
“-Australia? I’ve always wanted to move there too!”
From then on, we started seeing each other, and after a few months, we got engaged. We moved to Australia two months after we got married.
Thanks to my English Bulldog Gary, I met the love of my life and started a new life Down Under!
Gary is Marketing Coordinator at Love That Pet
We hope that you have enjoyed these accounts on how pets have helped people deal with life.
Do you have a story about how your pet has helped you. Comment below or email Dr Jo at
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