Keeping your home safe and, of course, your pet safe, is a priority for most pet owners. Here are some tips…


Homeowners have a responsibility to protect their pets, but sometimes the home security measures you put in place can cause more harm than good. This is why many people pet-proof their homes. It might be difficult for you to realize that you are even endangering your pet, so let’s take a look at some of the ways home security measures could harm your little family members.


  1. Electrical Wiring
    Many home security devices have some form of wiring attached to them that helps connect the security device to a power source. It is important for homeowners to ensure that their device is set up in such a way that prevents their pets from having access to the electrical wiring and power cables. This can easily be done by taping loose cords down, placing them higher up, or otherwise out of reach. Pets are inquisitive by nature and they like to play with things they find lying around. It is very likely that your pet could end up tangled in the wiring or chew into these cords. In either case, the results can be tragic. 

cat cable

  1. Plants
    Some homeowners grow thorny plants around the property to fend off burglars. It might sound weird, but it is an extremely cost-effective and proven method. With pets in the picture, it is important to make sure that they cannot easily reach these plants. A majority of the plants suited for security are toxic and will cause infections as well as cuts. These plants include, but are not limited to, holly, poinsettias, bougainvillea, roses, etc. Even if these plants do not cause infections, their thorns can lead to bodily harm.


  1. Small Sensors
    Small sensors can be placed in walkways, doorways, and windows to alert homeowners to illegal home entry. They are meant to work in conjunction with other security devices to warn homeowners and provide maximum security. However, similar to electrical wiring, sensors seem to attract the curious minds of pets. It is crucial that your pet does not have access to these small sensors. If your pet plays with these, there is a chance that they might get a piece of the sensor lodged within their throat. Also, some of these sensors might have batteries, which also pose a unique threat to your pets. If your pet manages to dislodge a battery that they start chewing on, they could easily expose themselves to battery acid.

dog gate

  1. Gate Security
    It is important that your gate security blends home and pet safety. The gate needs to keep criminals out while simultaneously catering to your pet’s safety. This means that your gate should prevent your pet from wandering off, and it should also prevent wild animals from wandering in. There is no universal gate that works for all pets so you have to take the traits and habits of your pet into consideration when making a decision. This means that if you have an athletic pet, you should invest in a higher gate so they cannot jump over it. On the other hand, if you have a pet that likes to burrow, you should make sure that your gate goes deep enough to ensure they cannot get under it.

Home security measures should be considered ineffective if they can harm your pets. Similar to children, pets will play with just about anything. This is why homeowners are responsible for being more proactive with their security. In terms of home security measures, you will not have to move an entire alarm system to help keep your pet safe, simply adjust parts of it. The first step to keeping your pets safe is knowing the ways in which they can be harmed. Hopefully the points listed above highlighted some things many homeowners unwittingly do.

Author Bio
Ralph Goodman is a professional writer and the resident expert on locks and security over at the Lock Blog. The Lock Blog is a great resource to learn about keys, locks and safety. They offer tips, advice and how-to’s for consumers, locksmiths, and security professionals.

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