If your pet is handicapped, they can still live a long and fulfilling life, especially with these tips on how to make your handicapped pet’s life easier…

Ways To Make Your Handicapped Pet’s Life Easier

We all love our pets and absolutely hate to see anything even remotely unpleasant happen to them. However, sometimes nasty things do happen, or have happened, to make your pet handicapped. One thing that you can always remember is how much better their lives are by being looked after by an owner. And, to that point, it’s up to you as the owner to always be on the lookout for things that you can do to help your handicapped pet. So, let’s go ahead and take a look at some of the things you can do to help.

Wheelchairs for pets

Giving your pet some wheels to scoot around with can massively improve their quality of life, giving them the opportunity to get exercise and to feel able to do all the sorts of normal activities that pets like to do. Make sure that whatever wheelchair you get, it’s built to last since, unlike humans, pets are a bit less aware of the limitations of their disability meaning the wheels could experience a bit of roughing up.


The Walkin’ Scooter

The Walkin’ Scooter is actually a product designed to alleviate some of the more difficult aspects to having your pet traversing tight areas in the wheelchair. The wheelchair can prove inadequate when it comes to spaces like the interior of the house and you don’t want your pet to leave a trail of carnage and mayhem behind them as they go around the house. The Walkin’ Scooter gives them a smart alternative, with the large wheels replaced by subtle roller balls which run along the ground as your pet does too. They’re not suitable for all terrains, but as a way to get around the indoors issue, they’re an excellent, well-designed solution.

Join The Community

If you are starting to feel the stress of having a handicapped pet, which is indeed very tough, then you might need support. You’re likely already in communication with a vet, but you can do much more than that. Getting online and researching all of the available forums, resources and contacts available to you should reveal a treasure trove of tips and tricks as well as a vast amount of emotional and psychological support from the rest of the community. Disabled pet owners all understand the struggles of life looking after their little friends and you will find a lot of wisdom and a lot of heartening comradery if you only look for it.

Take Care Of Yourself

Connected to the point above, it’s vital that you stay on top of your own health and wellbeing. Your pet will always be a priority to you and sometimes their disability can bring you even closer to them. However, it’s really important that you are able to give yourself the space you need to stay healthy and not be worn down.

It’s similar to advice that would be given to a carer for a disabled person and, even though it is a pet, the advice is much the same. Letting yourself get worn down will only end up being worse for the pet, so stay on top of your own wellbeing and monitor how things are making you feel.

dog wheels
Owners often design their own remedies for their disabled pets. Commercially available ones should make this better for pets


Hopefully, these few quick tips will help you to traverse the tricky world of handicapped pet ownership. Every pet is different, and you’ll need to do what is right for yours, but you should find a lot of support and advice in the experience of others.

About the author:
Chloe Bennet is a manuscript editor at Essay Writing Services portal.

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