Chilli Dog and Bush Turkey go for a Walk!
This is the story and Chilli dog and a Bush Turkey!
Right now, December, in Australia’s Brush Turkey nesting season. These large native birds, know as Bush Turkeys, live on the Eastern coast of Australia in the bush but have been invading gardens, building their large mound of nests and generally messing up our yards!
We have a male turkey who has chosen to build his nest in our neighbour’s front garden. The female turkeys come to visit him once in a while and he guards his nest, adding leaf litter to it everyday. The eggs incubate there and the young will eventually hatch (Hopefully not to be eaten by my cats!!).
I call our resident male bush turkey ‘The Mayor’, as he looks very regal with his swinging yellow wattle. His behaviour towards my chickens is anything but regal, as he pins them to the ground and pecks their heads! The female bush turkeys can peacefully coexist in the same garden as my chooks.
Chilli dog and bush turkey
Every day Chilli dog and I go for a walk and everyday the male Bush Turkey comes with us. Right up the street and around the corner. At first I thought he was chasing the dog out of the vicinity of his nest. I’m sure that’s how his ‘stalking’ behaviour started but now I think he just enjoys the walk!
You can view a longer version of our walk here.
The Turkey Dance
The Mayor’s behaviour is intriguing. When Chilli walks, he follows, often running to keep up. When Chilli stops and turns around, he also turns around and scratches the ground. I call this his ‘dance’. He appears to be doing this to assure her that he is not a threat or it is some kind of displacement activity.
When we return home, he follows us in to the front garden. I drop the lead to let Chilli sniff around the garden. This is the turkeys first attempt to go for her lead.
At first, I thought he might think it’s a snake, as the lead moves behind Chilli. But there appears to be no fear or attempt to kill. Then I though he might want this as an item for his nest but they tend to favour leaf litter , unlike Bowerbirds who collect all sorts of items.
I think he enjoys the interaction that Chilli gives him. She is very patient and puts up with his, now regular, pulling on the lead behaviour.
Of course I enjoy sharing my pet videos on social media and when I shared this one, it has been picked up by a news distribution group. Chilli and the Australian Bush Turkey have now gone viral around the world!
Chilli dog and bush turkey go viral
Here is our video. Remember if you want to use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email
Cheeky Bird
Now this cheeky bird appears to be so fascinated by Chilli dog that he likes to grab her tail!
Patient Dog
You may be thinking how patient Chilli dog is. And she is! No turkey for Xmas dinner for her!
You may also be pleased to know she has her moments, when she forgets that bush turkeys are family! This is usually when they enter our house and head for her food bowl! Then the chase is on!
Bush Turkeys are a protected native bird and while they can create havoc in our gardens and our pets’ lives, we will continue to enjoy their company and our daily walks!