Cat Toileting Problems Solved

Understanding cat toileting problems in cats: Summary

  1. All cats toilet but some toilet inappropriately around the home, peeing, pooing or spraying.
  2. Management of the cat toileting issue includes understanding the cause of the issue and litter box management. A vet check is also required.
  3. Long term solutions involve removing any stresses in your cat’s life and making the litter box attractive to them..

Do you have an issue with your cat peeing, pooing or spraying around your home?

If you have an issue with your cat toileting outside of their litter tray, you are not alone. Cat toileting problems are the most common cat problem reported to behaviourists. Cat toilet problems may include urinating, defecating or spraying around your home.

To solve the cat toileting problem, it helps to understand the cause.

Causes of cat toileting problems

There are many reasons why cats that are normally clean will begin to toilet inappropriately. Cat toileting issues may be simply mistakes, some may have an underlying medical cause and others are purely behavioural. There are also cases that the cat does not have a problem but the owner does.

Here are the 3 common causes of cat toileting problems:…

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Could your cat have urinary tract disease? Only your vet can tell.

1. Illness

Common physiological causes of feline toileting issues include:

  • Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). See your vet immediately.
  • Gastrointestinal upsets can result in toileting ‘accidents’. 
  • As they age cats can become incontinent.

2. Litter box issues

The size and location of the tray or litter box, the type of litter, the no. of trays available and the cleanliness of the tray can make a huge difference to some cats. Others do not care.

Dr Jo’s Book Cat Toileting Problems Solved goes into litter issues in depth

3. Anxiety

Some cats suffer from anxiety. A change of household routine; an unknown cat; loud noises and a whole host of other things can contribute to a cat’s anxiety. One way to relieve anxiety is to put their scent around them by urinating or spraying.

Other causes can include multi cat households making it more daunting or difficult to use a litter tray. 

cat litter box problems
Is your cat stressed?

Solutions to the Cat Toileting Problem

It helps to work out the cause of your cat’s inappropriate toileting habits. See the common causes above for inappropriate urination, defecation or spraying. If you can’t find a cause it may help to seek expert help from. cat behaviourist or just try some solutions.

Here are some common solutions.

Solution: Vet check

Have your cat checked by your vet. Physiological causes of inappropriate toileting need to be treated or ruled out, prior to starting any behavioural therapy.

If your cat is straining to toilet, toileting very often, or passing blood in their urine or faeces, take your cat to the vet immediately.

Solution: Litter box analysis

Examine your litter box thoroughly! You need to clean the waste contents regularly and wash the tray. You also need to consider the size and style of the litter tray, its position within your home and the litter type.

Changing litter trays, litter or the position of the box may be a simple solution to your issue. Also clean up soiled areas around your home thoroughly.

Keep food and litter separate.

Read Our 7 Cat Litter Box Rules

Solution: Stress relief

Relocating your cat to a different area of your home may prevent their anxiety levels rising. For example, if your cat reacts to people entering your property, place your cat where they cannot encounter people. 

Calming agents like Feliway (cat appeasing pheromone) and other veterinary medications may provide relief from anxiety. Ask your vet.

Read more about cat anxiety

Cat toileting problems
Keeping your cat relaxed may help with toileting problems

Cleaning up toileting accidents

Cleaning up pee and poo is important if you do not wish your pet to use this area again. This means cleaning on pet terms, not human ones. Read these tips on cleaning up toileting accidents.

Punishment does not work

Some people think by punishing their pet for doing the wrong thing that this will stop their pet. This is wrong because:
– Punishment does not teach you the right behaviour.
– Punishment often teaches the pet to fear the owner.
– Punishment does nothing to address the cause of the behaviour problem. If the cause of cat toilet problem is anxiety, punishment will only make this worse, probably increasing the unwanted cat toileting issue.
More about punishment here.

Instead address the root cause of the issue and motivate your cat to perform the desired behaviour. For instance if you wish your cat to use their litter box, keep it clean, place it in a safe area and make sure your cat has access to that area regularly. Praise them for doing the right thing.

Frequently asked questions about cat toileting behaviour

Why does my cat pee on my shoes?

Your shoes have your scent on them and your cat may choose to urinate on items that smell of you, if they feel a little anxiety, perhaps at being left alone. Follow our tips on separation anxiety.

Why does my cat spray the walls of my house?

Your cat is likely spraying the walls of your house to cope with another cat in the area. Check outdoors for neighbourhood cats and try to block your cat’s view of them. Reduce stress by using Feliway.

Why does my cat poop in the bathtub?

Check that your litter trays are clean and you have enough of them, in secure locations (look at it from your cat’s point of view). Have a vet check, as your cat may have a medical issue. Look at it as a positive – at least it’s easy to clean!

The author of Cat Toileting Problems Solved: Dr Jo Righetti

Dr Jo Righetti is an animal behaviourist, helping people with pets. With a PhD in behaviour, a diploma in counselling and over 20 years experience in business Pet Problems Solved, Dr Jo understand pets and communicates here knowledge in a motivational manner.

When you need a little extra help, you might like to read this

Cat Toileting Problems Solved Book

This hardcopy book, written by animal behaviourist Dr Jo Righetti will help you understand your cat’s behaviour and put solutions in place, depending on the cause of their issue.

This book has lots of examples of cat toileting issues and colour pictures to help you absorb the info and implement the best solutions for your household.

Cat Toileting Problems Solved is periodically available from Ebay or directly from this website.

Read book reviews here.

Why is my cat pooing outside the litter tray?

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