There are so many benefits of dog training. Not only will it make them a more pleasurable and mannerly companion to live with but it could even save their life!

Our guest writer James Cassidy is sharing with Pet Problems Solved his training techniques for the basic commands used in dog training…

Basic Commands Used in Training a Dog

Basic Commands Used in Training a Dog

Dog training is more than just teaching a dog a few tricks that will make us laugh. Educating your dog will help stimulate their brain, enhance co-existence and their behavior in public places. It is advisable to have a lot of patience and to start training your dog immediately, to strengthen your bond and improve your quality of life.
Here are some of the top basic dog commands you should train your dog.

  1. Train your dog to ‘Look at me’

It can be quite difficult to decide some of the best things to train your dog.  Teaching your dog watch or look command is one of the best ways you can always use to interact with your dog and ensure you get the dog to pay attention. Capture your dogs’ full attention before you embark on training. To achieve this, ensure you select words to use and always be consistent with the words. You can opt for words such as “watch me” or “look”.

Also, before you even consider training your new friend, it is advisable that you first take them to a vet and have them vaccinated and treated for worms.

  1. Training your dog to ‘Sit’

This is one of the most basic and easy to teach commands. When you start with something easy, you will get moral to the training session and for you and your dog. Hold a treat close to or over the dogs’ nose when teaching the sit command. Lift both your hands and the treat until when the dogs head follows your hand. This will encourage the dog to lower his butt to the ground into a sitting position. Then say sit, and give him a treat. Praise him for doing that. It is important that you repeat the process several times to ensure the dog masters the command.

Always use the sit command to get your dog to sit before you give them their food dish. In case your dog isn’t mastering the command, despite repeating it several times, you can decide to end the session before you get frustrated.

Basic Commands Used in Training a Dog

  1. Training Your Dog to ‘Come’

Training your dog come command can be a lifesaver. It is important that you always teach your dog to come whenever you call them the first time, especially if they slip out of the leash or escape out of the door.

You can achieve this by having someone hold your dog in one corner of the house or one room while you stand on the opposite side or go to another room. Call “come”. Ensure you infuse enthusiasm in the voice and always reward the dog with a treat praising them whenever they come after calling out the command.

Whenever your dog comes to you, feel ecstatic to see them, making fuss and petting.  Ensure you practice this command in a safer area that has no disruptions.

  1. Training your Dog to ‘Drop’ or ‘Give it’

It is important that you train your dog the drop command since it will help you when you want the dog to drop something they have picked .  Another variation you can use here is “leave it”.  You can also use leave, give or drop provided you use the same command to ensure your dog is not confused. Always know the type of action you will like to see your dog perform and reward them with a treat immediately. For example, if you wish your dog to give you a toy, you can use the drop it or give it command and hold out your hand.

You may consider the “leave it command” separately.  When your dog does not pick up an item, immediately reward them with a treat and praise.

  1. Training your dog to ‘Stay’

When your dog has mastered both the down and sit command, they can then learn the stay command. Get your dog into a down or sit position and hold your hand palm forward and shout “stay” as you move away from him. If the dog moves out of the down or sit position, start over again.  If the dog remains in a stay position, offer treats while praising them. Increase the length of the time your dog remains in the stay position, then use the come command. Reward them.

dog lying down stay training grass

  1. Training your dog to ‘Lie down’

It is very important for your dog to learn this command since it can help in keeping your dog from jumping on visitors or putting their face on dinner table or getting on the counter (bench tops). Ensure you get your dog to sit before you start training them, then coax into a down position by moving the treat towards the ground.

Constant Praising of Your Dogs Behavior when he gets the Commands Right

It is important that you always reward your dog whenever he gets the commands right or for good behavior. In case there is a lag between when he behaves well and the praise or treat, your dog might not know what the praise or treat is for. Always go for healthy treats.

Basic Commands Used in Training a Dog
‘Fetch’ can be a fun command to teach dogs

About the author:
James Cassidy is a dog training and behavior specialist as well as a dog lover. He has 3 dogs, German Shepherd breeds. He recently launched a pet blog., where he provides dog training guide and training equipment reviews.

More dog training tips:

Nature or nurture: What’s more significant for dog training?
Puppy training: A guide to canine learning
Annoying dog behaviour and training issues (Dog Problems Solved)
Videos of dog training
Training dogs – which style of learning do you use?
Do As I Do: Dog training effectively
Clicker training for all animals

And more dog reading:

Dog behaviour Ebooks
Best Dog Breeds for First-time Owners
Who is Chilli? DNA breed detection
How to Stop Your Dog from Jumping and Climbing the Fence

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