Australian Attitudes to Puppy Farms

An Animal Welfare League Poll shows community demand for tighter regulation of puppy farms…

This post was written several years ago. Many of the issues discussed are still relevant today.

Fonz on arrival at AWL from puppy farm
Australian attitudes to puppy farms
800Fonz on arrival at AWL from a puppy farm

The background to puppy farm concerns

Puppy farming may be one of Australia’s most pressing animal welfare issues.

Also known as puppy factories or puppy mills, puppy farms often operate under inadequate conditions that fail to meet the dogs’ behavioural, social and/or physiological needs. These conditions include extreme confinement and overcrowding, inadequate veterinary and general care, and unsanitary environments. 

The fate of female dogs in puppy farms is especially grim. Continuously kept pregnant from the age of six months, they are often forced to produce litters for their entire lives. When they are no longer able to breed, they are mostly euthanised.

As a behaviourist, I have major concerns about the lack of adequate socialisation these pups receive while young. It is vital that pups from 3-8 weeks of age are exposed to a whole variety of people, in positive circumstances. Of course, there may also be major health concerns.

Attitudes to puppy farms
Puppies at puppy farm – far from ideal rearing conditions

The Poll on Attitudes to Puppy Farms

Over 1500 Australians were questioned about their opinions and attitudes to puppy farms. Results included:

  • 90% of NSW residents support a Breeder Licensing Scheme and publicly accessible register to crack down on cruel puppy farms.
  • 87% agree that puppy breeders should be subject to inspections from an independent body.
  • Almost half of the people surveyed, however, had no idea that welfare issues surround dogs reared in puppy farms.*

*Clearly the need for education of pet owners & general community

What happens next with puppy farms?

Animal Welfare League NSW (AWL) commends the State Government on their recent consideration of animal welfare initiatives and calls for swift implementation of an effective Breeder Licensing Scheme.

Breeder Licensing Scheme

Under the Breeder Licensing Scheme, all NSW dog breeders should be licensed and subject to inspection by an independent animal protection body, to prevent animal cruelty associated with puppy farming, says Animal Welfare League NSW (AWL).  The proposed Breeder Licensing Scheme would help educate breeders on their responsibilities, protect animals and reduce the alarming rates of euthanasia, estimated at above 40,000 companion animals annually in NSW alone.

The Scheme proposed by AWL includes 5 essential points to ensure its effectiveness:

  • Mandatory licencing to breed
  • Monitoring of animal welfare standards through unannounced inspections by independent animal welfare body
  • A sustainable scheme through a user-pays system, funded by breeders themselves
  • Requirements of quotation of a licence or microchip number when advertising, transferring or selling pets
  • Empowerment of the community to enable the public to check where their puppies have come from through an online register

Puppy Love

AWL has launched a public campaign “Puppy Love” to raise awareness of appalling animal welfare standards in breeding facilities and to demonstrate public support for the Breeder Licensing Scheme.

To sign the online petition urging the NSW Government to implement the Breeder Licensing Scheme, or for more information, go to

Sign petition puppy farming

 What about the puppies now?

Jimmi & Tobi now
Jimmi & Tobi now

And Fonz?

Fonz after some TLC

Happy endings for these dogs but what about the other dogs and puppies still living their lives in squalid conditions? Please support the Animal Welfare Leagues around the country and the AWLA and help them provide a better life for our canine companions.



Watch this video of Jellybean and her slow blossoming in life thanks to AWL and her kind new owner…

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  1. The survey was disappointing Jo, only 50% had no idea that welfare issues surround dogs reared in puppy farms! Oh…. how horrific is that and they most likely bought a pup from a petshop! 🙁 Great article, I hope it brings more awareness! x

  2. The date of this post is 2013 ; I believe that there should be updates more often to give people the idea that this issue is far from been resolved; even links to recent news like this one : . would help people to understand that this is happening today in the world we live in
    Cheers ,

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