Pet Behaviour for Companies with Dr Jo Righetti
Would your customers or clients benefit from help with their pets? Does your company need to attract more pet owners? Dr Jo’s Pet Behaviour for Companies may help.
Animal behaviour consultant Dr Jo Righetti and Pet Problems Solved are now offering pet behaviour Q&A sessions for your clients and customers. Add value to your brand.
How Pet Behaviour for Companies and Organisations can help…
Online Q&As
Organise a pet behaviour Q&A session with your social media followers.
Dr Jo will answer cat & dog behaviour questions – written or live – on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. Your followers will love it!
Event Q&As
Dr Jo will either come along to your event or you will host an event around a pet behaviour Q&A session.
Pet owners love our 2hr Q&A sessions!
There may never be enough time but Dr Jo tries to answer every single pet question!
Customer Emails
We’ll organise a behaviour Q&A session with your subscribers, customers or clients.
You send an email, inviting emails, with cat or dog behaviour question. Dr Jo will answer them directly. Minimal work for you. Value add for your customers!
Written help
Dr Jo can write an article for readers of your newsletters or website or even a tailor-made book or ebook for your customers’ specific needs.
Dog or Cat Problems Solved!