Include your pets in your bush fire safety plan

Bushfires or Wildfires can strike quickly and ferociously and Australians need to have bush fire safety plans, as do other nations in wildfire-prone areas around the world.

PetSafe® Brand Australia is urging all pet owners to ensure they have included their pet’s needs when creating their Bush Fire Safety Plans. A pet emergency kit should be included in your plans.

PetSafe® Australia has pulled together a four-step easy to follow checklist for your pets should you need to evacuate your home.

Four Steps to Keep Pets Safe during Fire Season

1. Know where your pets are.

If fire is threating your area, but you are not required to evacuate yet, be prepared by knowing where your pets are. If necessary keep them contained in one area of your home so that if you are required to leave fast you aren’t wasting precious time searching or chasing them.


2. Prepare your Emergency Pet Kit

Plan your Emergency Pet Kit early, know what you want to put in it and where everything is located. This kit should include items such as:

· Fresh Water Bottles (and plenty of them)

· Dry Pet Food in sealable bags or containers (not wet)

· Bowls for drinking and eating

· Blankets for warmth and bedding

· Carrier for smaller animals (cats etc.) to keep them contained and calm

· Harness or lead to ensure they stay with you and not run from fear

· Vaccinations or medication should they require it

3. Know your exit strategy

When the time comes for you to leave ensure you have investigated where you are going as not all evacuation centres are able to accommodate pets.

Include your Pets in your Bush Fire Safety Plan

4. Keep connected

Keep connected to local council and fire and rescue as well as connecting to other pet owners in your area via social media who could help or accommodate you in emergency.

About PetSafe® Brand
PetSafe® Brand is a global pet product expert with its headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee. Wide-ranging innovative products are available across the PetSafe® Brand product portfolio including training, lifestyle and wellbeing product solutions. Visit for further details or connect on Facebook or Instagram.

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