10 Ways to Choose a Pet: Tips for Prospective Pet Owners

Choosing a pet is a serious business but… we’re trying to inject a little fun into the obvious common sense decisions that you have to make. So here is Dr Jo and Pet Problems Solved’s list of resources that will make you stop and think prior to your pet purchase. Some are just plain helpful, others will make you love pets even more. All are designed to make you think and help you choose a pet…

1. Things to consider before you choose a pet.

Read our pets. Read the worst thing about pets. If you can put up with this, you can put up with a pet!
We have lots of articles on choosing a pet. Read these prior to any purchase.

2. Make the right choice of cat or dog

Here are some resources, including articles, guides and videos on making the choice of dog or cat that’s right for you. But remember, another pet may be better for your lifestyle. Here is a Purina video with Dr Jo highlighting important cat considerations before you acquire your pet…

3. Getting it right before you get a dog

Pets 4 Life has a great website that helps people make the right choice of pet for their lifestyle. They also have a free, downloadable Ebook Guide of 8 essential tips before you get a dog… Before you get a dog – 8 essential tips to getting it right

4. Choosing the right individual

Once you have made your choice of pet, you then have to choose the right individual, the size, the breed and so on. With so much variety, this can be the most difficult decision of all! Here are some tips from Purina on choosing the right pet for you Dog breed selector and Guide to the right cat

5. Everybody loves a puppy

Wikis are great ways of compiling lots and lots of information and here are a couple of Wikis that help you choose a dog and buy a puppy. How to choose a dog Wiki and How to buy a puppy Wiki

6. Allergic to pets?

So many people have allergies these days. It makes sense to carefully choose your pet prior to bringing one home and realising that you cannot live with the sneezing and wheezing. Remember to consider all your family members. Here are some dog breeds that are better for allergy sufferers.

10 Ways to Choose a Pet

7. Special needs pets

Not all pets are perfectly behaved. Not all pets are perfect in the looks department either. We can love them anyway. This fun articles considers animals with special needs… Special needs animals

Then of course there are so many pets, with our without special needs, large and small, young and old, pedigree or not who are looking for homes. Try your local animal shelter. In Australia, try www.petrescue.com.au.

8. Pets come in all sizes: Small pet choice

Considering a small pet? There are many others animals than dogs or cats, of course, and one of these may be right for you. Here, the UK Blue Cross have compiled some simple notes on the various small animals that people commonly keep as pets. Not all of these animals can be kept as pets in all countries (Australians take note!). I love how this article then links to the small animals that Blue Cross has available for adoption… Small pets

And here are 10 reasons to choose a guinea pig as a pet.

9. The larger, the better?

Every little girl (and many boys too!) wants a horse but large pets can be expensive, take up a lot of space and need specialised care. Here’s a guide when you need to question Do horses make good pets?

10. Pets and your lifestyle

And here are some fun articles that will show you how your life will change when pets come along..

I hope that these 10 tips to help you choose a pet will help you in your choice of new family member. If they do, let us know. If you have an article or website that helps people choose their pet, leave a link in the comments. Thanks, Jo

Pet choice

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  1. Thanks Jo for mentioning the free eGuide: Before you get a dog, 8 essential tips to get it right! It all helps to get the message out there to stop before you shop and think carefully before bringing home a cute puppy.

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