10 Tips for Content Cats

When cats are kept indoors, they face fewer dangers from cat fights, cars, illness, getting lost or stolen. It also helps them stop hunting wildlife. Try all, or some, of these 10 tips for content cats, to keep your cat happy at home…

content cats

 1. Play with your cat. 
Toys can be purchased or made at home.
Rotate toys around to keep your cat interested.
2. Give your cat a window view.
Windowsills are great and so are bookcases, shelves and benchtops. Free them up for cat access.
3. Scratching posts
Provide suitable scratching posts.
Place these in locations that your cat likes to scratch. More about scratching
4. Litter & litter trays
Keep litter trays clean. Have more than one in a multi-cat household. More about cat toileting.
5. Small, regular meals
Cats like to graze so regular feeding helps them stay happily around the home. Try some food-releasing toys.

content cats

6. Another cat or a dog
Try another cat for company. This will not solve behavioural problems but is good for cat-friendly cats.
7. Play hunting games
Let your cat hunt by playing games with toys on a string or laser lights. Hide their food or use food-releasing toys.
8. Be kind & use rewards
Never punish your cat, praise it for good behaviour.
Cats can be trained too with a little patience.
9. Cat grasses & catnip
Give your indoor cat fresh grass to chew on.
Cats love cat grasses and some also adore catnip.
10. Interaction & cuddles
Interact with your cat, even train it. Pat your cat and show you care. You cat will love you.

Trying some or all of these content cat tips will help you have a happy cat at home.

More content cats reading:

Transitioning your cat from being an outdoor to indoor cat
When cat play becomes a catfight in multi-cat households
Scaredy cats – fear and anxieties in our feline friends
Lost your cat – tips for finding them
Why cat grooming shouldn’t be brushed aside

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